


Status :Concept
Location :Mauritius
Partner :Single

This site is a premium domain available as a business opportunity in the MYP Network. We are currently exploring a concept that requires development and we are considering its potential web application in one of these areas: IP as “Intellectual Property”, “Internet Protocol,” or “Internet Publication”, or all three subjects. We are open to suggestions and welcome any input or ideas you may have.

Quick Notes

Audience : Public, Businesses, Tech Industry. Region :  Mauritius. Source Of Revenue : Advertising, Sponsored content, Subscription, Marketing affiliations, Consulting services, Licensing/royalties. Network Partners : Cross-marketing, referral, promotion and joint venture with other media partners. Exit Strategy :  Available for acquisition by other media or tech companies. Candidate : Content creators, Software engineer/developer, Customer support representative.

Entrepreneurial Journey

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MYP Networks Partners