


Status :In Development
Location :Regional
Partner :Single

Vanilla Islands IO

This online destination guide is available as a business opportunity in the MYP Network. Vanilla Islands IO serves as a comprehensive resource providing detailed information and practical insights for travellers exploring Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar, Reunion, Comoros and Mayotte. It covers accommodations, dining, activities, and transportation to help plan and navigate their island adventure seamlessly. Highlighting the diverse cultures, stunning landscapes, and unique attractions of each island, the guide inspires travellers to experience the exotic taste of the Vanilla Islands. Additionally, the site benefits from a network of other country guides and the Indian Ocean IO Travel and Tourism network.

Quick Notes

Audience : Travellers, Tourism service providers. Region : Worldwide. Source Of Revenue : Advertising, Sponsored articles, Subscription, Marketing affiliations, Sales of travel and tourism services. Network Partners : Cross-marketing, referral, promotion and joint venture with other media partners and tour operators. Exit Strategy :  Available for acquisition by other media companies or tour operators. Candidate : Content writers, travel and tourism professionals.